Help! I am stuck!

So I am second guessing myself on the apartment lease. It seemed like a good deal at the time and the face value says $7,000 but no one that needs a place to stay has anything good to offer! I think I should have thought about my target audience a little more. I have worked with a couple organizations like the Livestrong Foundation which would like to put up those in need with cancer in the apartment while they are in KC for treatmet and COPP Care of Poor People that would like to put a family in need in the apartment to get them off the street. The problem is that neither has been able to come up with an afternoon with a celebrity, which would be really cool. So the offers of the truck and the van stand but they are older vehicles, I was looking for something crazy on this trade to make a big splash. I guess it is not easy, or else everybody would try this. If anyone knows a celebrity (come on Neil Diamond!) to spend an afternoon with or a someone that needs an apartment for a year that has something good to trade, let me know because right now I am absolutely stuck. My email is or you can call me at 816918-7118. Help me out!