Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel! Pretty sure I am getting out from under the apartment lease soon so that will be good, I have been stuck for awhile but I ran into Mark from the American Exchange Network. You should know that Mark used to be the chauffeur for Wilt Chamberlain so he has some great stories. He does all kind of trading: merchandise, vehicles, even Super Bowl tickets. There are some professional traders there, I had no idea. I even traded some concert tickets for hotels stays. Check them out at
http://www.americanexchange.net/ They should be able to help me broker this trade so I will be able to keep moving. There was a rumor of an ultralight airplane but I would probably kill myself in that so we are going to see what else we can come up with. Stay tuned.
In unrelated news, I did a radio interview this month that I have been meaning to get on here, check out the interview (takes a minute to load so give it time). Jason