Thursday, October 14, 2010


I am the world's biggest slacker. Or maybe I am procrastinating because I don't want to trade the boat. My wife says procrastination is the fear of death. Maybe. Maybe we all want to do something big before we die, something noble, something grand, something like throwing a book or a shoe at the president. Well not everyone can do that in their life (or get past security). So maybe I am procrastinating. I have had so many good times with the family, I hate to let the boat go. But I really need to. I finally got some good photos and I used the $400 I got out of that Blazer that blew up to get two new seats, so the boat is looking good. I put some photos up and made some barter posts so now I am back into the trading game. Well I was. Then I saw Joe Posnanski posted the top 32 sports of all time and I went back into procrastination mode. Thanks a lot Joe! Here is the list in case you want to waste as much time as I just did listening to all of them: THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT! THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT! THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What I did as a kid

Some people say, Jason, what did you do as a kid? What were you like? What took up your time? Well it is hard to explain my upbringing. The only thing I can share is the intensive Brazilian dance instructions that took up my days and nights. My parents sent me to Brazil for this intensive training at an early age so that I could become the best dancer possible. Here is a video from that training of me as a boy:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New National Newsletter Out Today Has me Motivated!

The boat has been stored over the winter after the failed Cadillac trade. But now winter is over and it is time to get back to trading! Special thanks to Ann Brentlinger from National American University for writing this article about me in the National Review today. Thanks Ann, no more excuses, time to stop slacking! Get your trades ready everyone, I am ready to go back to trading!