Put it in the Books- Golden Paperclip Trade #7 Goes Down in El Dorado Springs!
Okay, I am going to have to forgo the video for now, my computer has changed since the last time I did a trade video (that is how long it has been and how much we have enjoyed the boat. Also what a slacker I am about doing these trades) and I can't figure out how to get it together. I am just going to go with the pictures for now. Golden Paperclip Trade #7 went down in El Dorado Springs, MO and the trade was the boat for a classic car- 1954 Oldsmobile Super 88 Rocket! Pretty excited to have the car- need to clean it up a bit but Bob the trader put a bunch of parts in the trunk so I can put some of it together myself. Bob was a cool guy and thanks to my brother Lyall for driving down to El Dorado Springs with me and helping me get the car back. A good time and a good trade. Bob even had me sign the boat! Check out pictures from the trade:
Driving Down to El Dorado Springs with my brother Lyall (We only got lost twice. Okay, mostly I got lost!)

Trade #7- Boat for Classic Car: 1954 Oldsmobile Super 88 Rocket!

Bob "Mr. Bojangles" was the cool guy I traded with. He even had me sign the boat before I left!
I had him sign my lucky trading shirt!
We hauled off the Super Rocket and headed back to Kansas City. My brother was driving a little too fast- 90 mph and the headlight cover flew off! Unfortunately we never found it. Everything else on the trade went off without a hitch though. Goodbye Boat- I had a lot of fun with the ski boat, great times with the family. She is in a better place now though (with chickens!).
There it is! Golden Paperclip Trade #7- Boat for Classic Car! Onward and Upward!