Week one of the computers is drawing to a close and I have to say that computers are really, really boring! First there was the canoe which I took out two weekends in a row and then the mini-chopper which I drove so much I had to take in to the shop to get fixed and then the go kart which I drove around the high school track at record speed and then nearly got arrested by Olathe's finest. All good times! The stinkin computers are just setting on my shelf. Boring. So I need to trade these pretty quick and thats good because I have lots of good trade offers. The Cadillac Coup de Ville is probably my favorite so far, mostly because in the picture the driver is wearing a helmet and the tires are smoking. I also have offers for an RV, a diamond bracelet, a minivan, a Nissan Altima, a scooter, massage for a year from Midwest Massage, and the record for the creepiest offer: A burial plot for two at Mount Hope Cemetary in Lawrence, KS. While it would be cool to be buried next to the world's largest granite Bible, it would not be cool to be buried in Chickenhawk country so I think that would dramatically cut down my trade options. I put pictures of all my trade offers on the site goldenpaperclip.com so let me know what you think.
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