Bad News, the Blazer blew up! Literally. I was taking the Blazer for a ride with my buddy Shawn and after dropping him off he said, "This floor is really hot, check it out, smoke!" So I said, yeah, this old beast runs hot. Then I took off and got just over the railroad tracks and it caught on fire, three foot of fire. The fire department came, the Olathe police, it was chaos. So I was in trouble again with the Olathe Police (see go kart post for last time- apparently they don't allow go karts on College Boulevard in Olathe) and they were not too happy this vehicle was not registered in my name. I had to explain my trading at least eight times but they let me go without handcuffs! So now the Blazer has blown up. I guess that was to be expected, she was pretty old and decrepit. So I would like to trade the Blazer for upholstery work on the boat, anyone want to trade that? Don't worry, the boat is fine, she is a sweet water slicing 17' machine and the trade was still a good one but the Blazer is no more.