Bad News, the Blazer blew up! Literally. I was taking the Blazer for a ride with my buddy Shawn and after dropping him off he said, "This floor is really hot, check it out, smoke!" So I said, yeah, this old beast runs hot. Then I took off and got just over the railroad tracks and it caught on fire, three foot of fire. The fire department came, the Olathe police, it was chaos. So I was in trouble again with the Olathe Police (see go kart post for last time- apparently they don't allow go karts on College Boulevard in Olathe) and they were not too happy this vehicle was not registered in my name. I had to explain my trading at least eight times but they let me go without handcuffs! So now the Blazer has blown up. I guess that was to be expected, she was pretty old and decrepit. So I would like to trade the Blazer for upholstery work on the boat, anyone want to trade that? Don't worry, the boat is fine, she is a sweet water slicing 17' machine and the trade was still a good one but the Blazer is no more.
I've tweeted Neil Diamond, Jason Mraz, Alafair Burke (best-selling author), but it's hard to make a case in 140 characters or less. I'm going to try P!nk and Grammar Girl next (the latter may not be exciting to you, but she's hot in the podcasting world.) Maybe I'll appeal to Stacie London & Clinton Kelly of "What Not to Wear" -- wouldn't a little fashion advice from a famous stylist make for a good trade? I've got nada to offer but my networking skills. I'm hooked on your Golden Paperclip project now.
Okay, so I've decided I'm a little excited about this concept now. Add to my tweet requests Katie Couric, Project Runway and True Blood on HBO. (Hey, give me a day with Alex Skarsgard and I'd give you just about anything I own . . . maybe not the house, since my husband's name is on it.) I'll let you know if I get any responses.
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